Friday, January 31, 2020

Long Bicycle Ride - January 31, 2020

The longest ride I've done since 1975?  Of course, I now must prepare to repeat this for 6 days in a row.  That's the distance of the FL Coast-to-Coast ride.  I've got about 6 weeks to get up to speed.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Kooser 2020

The snow this year was minimal, soft and like mashed potatoes due to the very warm season
Bill's new skis kick up a cool rooster tail
Sean provided terrific steaks, just like in previous years

Murph, Rob
Guy and Dan

Proof the weather was warm

Sean prepares the filets

Murph, Sean, Erik

Murph & Bill with his beads

Guy, Sean
Erik, a great skier, caught by surprise!

Bill and his beads


Kevin, who provides the grill for the steaks

Erik, Kevin, Dan, Bill, Guy, Sean (missing Rob & Murph)

Erik and Bill

Bill's new skis shoot a fine rooster tail

Guy shares the rainbow he enjoyed on his drive back to St. Mary's, PA