Friday, September 20, 2013

Brian and Heather Sunset Sail, September 20, 2013

With sunset coming a bit earlier every night, we departed Annapolis Landing Marina as soon as we all could break away from our work. Kelly IV settled into her groove as Brian manned the helm.
It was a beautiful evening with a comfortable breeze in the low 70s. We had the sails drawing within a few minutes of exiting the creek and with the 12 knot southerly, Kelly IV settled into her groove as Brian manned the helm.
Brian and Heather Rosenkoetter

About halfway across the bay, Heather was ready to steer so Brian coached her on a few nuances and Heather took control. Kelly IV was sailing so smoothly and the moderate air was so relaxing that we all just settled in an enjoyed the beautiful day slipping through the water with only the gurgle of the waves burbling past the hull and the breath of the breeze wisping over the boat.

Our “adventure” for the evening was when we noticed a large freighter approaching the bridge from the north. As the southbound ships usually do, this one snuck up on us, we didn't see her until she was only a few miles away. Kelly IV was already in the main shipping channel and we had the time, just, to cross the channel and be out of the freighter's path. Just to be certain, we fired up the trusty Yanmar and motor sailed the next 5 minutes and few hundred yards until clear of the channel. The freighter passed astern with plenty of room, well over a mile away.
He missed us by a mile!
The balance of the evening's sail was spent on a beam reach literally sailing into the sunset, it was especially exciting when we spied the oversize full moon rising over the bay behind us. Sunset ahead and moonrise behind. A perfect end to a grand sail.
Greenbury Point Towers at Sunset

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