July 17, 2016 - Pastor Bob Zimmerman joined Kelly IV's crew just as Bill, Sarah and Guy were departing so we had a brief, but nice, mini-reunion!
July 18, 2016 - Bob and I sailed down the Bay into the Choptank River and tied up that evening in Cambridge, MD, on the eastern shore.
Beam reach up the Choptank River |
We sailed a lazy beam reach up the Choptank River on a warm 8 knot southerly breeze.
Crew Bob Z. |
Pastor Bob steered Kelly IV on a beam reach.
Kelly IV tied up at the free spot below the County Building |
Bob, Kelly & I checked in to City of Cambridge, using the free slip at the county building. It was a great day of sailing on Kelly IV! The breeze kicked up to 15+ knots for a close reach into Cambridge.
Safely arrived after a grand sail. |
July 19, 2016 - We took a quiet layday walking about the city, using WiFi at the library, and catching a movie at the plaza.
Sunset in Balls Creek |
July 20, 2016 - We sailed back out the Choptank River, but made it a short day by dropping the hook in Ball's Creek, near Neavitt, MD. Another gorgeous sunset at anchor. This is a great life, sailing and cruising with friends aboard Kelly IV.
Balls Creek anchorage |
Osprey nest at Balls Creek entrance mark |
July 21, 2016 - Sailed out of Balls Creek and passed an osprey nest built atop the navigation mark this morning. A good sail and also Kelly IV's Last Cruise. Kelly IV will be sold as soon as someone steps up to buy her & take her on more great sailing adventures. As part of that process we invited Kelly IV's yacht broker aboard while we were anchored in the Rhode River. He was there to assess and evaluate Kelly IV to set a sales price.
Our sunset view from Kelly IV tonight, anchored in the Rhode River with Bob.
Bob Z enjoys the
Rhode River sunset |
July 22, 2016 - This morning we never started the motor, just sailed off the anchor. Now sailing wing & wing towards Thomas Point Lighthouse.
Wing and wing off Thomas Point |