Thursday, September 30, 2021

Jackson Hole Delt Gathering


September 25-30, 2021

World Class Views from the Snake River Ranch
photo by Craig

Dick '76 hosted several Delts at his wife's family ranch, the Snake River Ranch, Wilson, Wyoming, just west across the Snake River from Jackson Hole.  Delts in attendance were Rob '76, Greg '79, Craig '79, Rog '76, Randy '77, Brad '79, Mark '78, Jim '77, Jim's Purdue buddy (also Jim), Batch '78, Gumby '73, Chuck '78, Paul '77, Ralph '79, Bob '75, Murph '76 and our host, Dick. Click for Attendee Pics

Click on any photo for a Larger version.
Welcome Arch at the Jackson Hole Airport
photo by Craig

Snake River view of the Grand Tetons
photo by Mark

Paul, Dick and Cham relax on arrival
photo by Brad

Rustic and SOooo comfortable in our cabins
photo by Brad

Dick & the Delt crew gather for observing the evening sunset.
photo by Roger

The shadows lengthen, photo by Roger

photo by Roger

Sunset photo by Gumby

Craig captures the Big Dipper

Sunrise catches the Grand Teton peaks
photo by Craig

Morning balloon scans the slopes
photo by Brad

Delts collect their morning coffee and tea
photo by Roger

Aspens highlighted by the sun
photo by Craig

Breakfast at Nora's, photo by Brad

Canada goose shares the morning
photo by Craig

Delts solving the world's problems
photo by Brad

Rob and Craig enjoy reminiscing
photo by Brad

Delts ride the gondola to the top

Snake River Ranch viewed from the peak
photo by Randy

How did our photographer capture so many smiles?

Why are these guys so happy?

The photographer was a beautiful young lady!
photo by Greg

Click for panorama

Greg and Roger near the top as they began their
hike to the bottom with Craig and Murph 
For more pics of the hike, including the SWING, Click Here

Murph, Craig and Greg hiking the lower slopes
photo by Roger
Flora on the mountainside
photo by Craig

Our dinner was at the Jackson Hole Golf Club

Mornings at the Ranch are gorgeous
photo by Brad
Photo by Craig

Several brothers relished their time fly fishing
photo by Mark
For more pics, including FISH, click Here

Fishing on the Snake River

Overlooking the Snake River while Dick provided
a tour of the Ranch properties to the south of Wilson 

The brothers were thrilled with the Scenic Float Trip
covering 10 miles of the Snake River.
photo by Craig

Dick, Ralph, Greg, Rob, photo by Craig

Photo by Gumby
For more photos of the float trip,
Including some Great Scenery, Click Here.

The large pool is fed fresh water by the nearby creek, so
no chlorine required.  But it is COLD!
Photo by Craig

Ralph and Murph took the plunge!  The Cold water
kept their swim Very Brief!
Video by Rob

Chuck, Randy, Jim, Craig, Murph
photo by Brad

Dick, his better half, Puddie, and their kids, hosted the Delts at their home, a beautiful, rural setting with a pond, fish and a large deck with a wonderful view of the mountains.

The libations were most enjoyable and
Cham raised a heartfelt toast to our hosts.

Mark, Rog & Gumby relax before dinner.
photo by Brad
The brothers went walkabout entertained by
the sights and sounds around Jackson Hole.
Even a local moose!  photo by Brad

Photo by Brad

Murph & Gumby shop downtown for the grandkids.

Then off to the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar!

Randy, Rog, Gumby, Craig, Murph
Murph, Gumby, Randy, Rog,
photo by Craig

It's always exciting in Jackson Hole!
photo by Randy

Other brothers remained at the ranch to marvel at
the natural beauty.

Rob walks along the Snake River

Greg, Chuck, Craig, Ralph


Mark along the Snake River

With Yellowstone NP only a couple hours away,
a visit seemed required! The hot springs & fumeroles.
Photo by Craig

Photo by Craig

Photo by Roger

Old Faithful Geyser
photo by Craig
For Loads more YNP pics, including 
interiors of the century old timber Lodge,
Click Here.

Jenny Lake, Grand Teton NP

Brown bear, Grand Teton NP, photo by Roger
The dinner steaks arrive!
Most know Dick grills a great steak!
photo by Craig

They couldn't look any better.
photo by Craig

Craig and Chuck, photo by Brad

Dick seasons the beef,
photo by Craig
The master grills to perfection,
photo by Craig
The tables were set, photo by Brad

The diners were eager! Murph, Rog, Rob

The wine selection was both superb and appropriate,
photo by Brad

The monster porterhouse steaks were served!
photo by Craig

Like his brothers, Gumby enjoys every serving.

Batch demonstrates the appropriate gusto!

A relaxing evening swapping stories, Dick, Greg,
photo by Craig

The final morning catches a balloon riding the sunrise breeze.

A grand time was had by all.