Sailing Experience and Credentials

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Captain Murph has been sailing boats since 1966.  He has owned and maintained several different sailboats over the years, in addition to working on numerous Owners' boats, lived full-time and cruised five years aboard an Irwin/Johnson designed Endeavour 32, and trailer-sailed a Catalina 250 towed by his RV.
Captain Murph has sailed boats in many varied venues:
1. Lake Erie (over 4,000 nautical miles)
2. AtlanticOcean, from Long Island, NY, to Bermuda (700 miles at Sea)
3. Australia's WhitsundayIslands
4. BritishVirgin Islands
5. FloridaKeys including Islamorada, Molasses Reef
6. PugetSound, Washington
7. NorthChannel, Lake Huron
8. GeorgianBay, Lake Huron
9. ChesapeakeBay
11. SanFrancisco Bay
12. Cape Cod (Provincetown, Pleasant Bay, Hyannis, Sandwich)
13. Lake Michigan
14. numerous inland lakes, including Monroe Lake, LakeArthur, GlendaleLake, HooverReservoir and Jackson Lake.
Sailing since he was a Boy Scout (Scout Lifeguard, Small Boat Sailing Merit Badge, Eagle Scout), he has been certified by the American Red Cross in CPR/AED and Standard First Aid.
2011 – 2016 Captain's License by USCG (Master 50 Tons, Sail & Great Lakes Endorsements)
2010 Certificates from the Annapolis School of Seamanship
2010 Instructor, Great Lakes Cruising Club School
1999 Safety at Sea Certificate at US Naval Academy
1993 USCG Auxiliary Advanced Coastal Navigation Course

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