Before departing this morning, we captured the photo below of a colorful (blue, orange, yellow) little bird on the bow line. (Unfortunately, the photo does not do it justice.)
Bird on bow line |
As we traversed the Alligator-Pungo Canal, we passed a dead tree onshore with several vultures lying in wait (photo below)…Guess they were waiting for someone to keel over (no pun intended) so that they could swoop down and grab dinner.
Vultures in dead tree |
To add to the excitement of “nature’s specimens” on the ICW, we were again blessed with the opportunity to be bombarded by horse flies all afternoon as we traveled the Alligator River. As if our last encounter were not terrifying enough, this time they sent The Big Kahuna of all horseflies and his mighty band of warriors, who chose our cockpit as their kamikaze practice location. Those suckers were more than an inch long and had big green bulging eyes…looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. One of them decided to stop in the galley (perhaps looking for a cold beer?) and I took him out with one swat. I was so impressed with his appearance that I kept him in a plastic cup as a souvenir (shown in photo below beside a teaspoon to indicated relative size).
Gigantic horsefly |
We tied up at Alligator River Marina that evening (actually, a few slips behind a truck stop. :-)
Alligator Marina Slip |
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