Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Snyder Hill & Tucson, AZ

Of course, sunsets in Arizona are Glorious!

It was a great campsite at Snyder Hill.  While I had camped in the area last year, this site was more private and felt much more comfortable than the more heavily populated camp I had last year.

Kelly VI, my RV is in that circle.

This zoomed pic shows Kelly VI more clearly.
Fred's Arena Steakhouse became a favorite
and just down the road from Snyder Hill.

At Fred's Arena Steakhouse

Kelly VI in her campsite.

Kelly VI in her campsite.

Trips to Tucson were easy
and numerous as Snyder Hill
is only a few miles from town.

Near the bike trail.

I love this terrific mural in downtown Tucson.

A terrific jazz festival in Tucson was wonderful.
More jazz at the festival.

Some days later at Monterey Court in Tucson.

Rob came to visit for a few days.

Rob brought firewood and kindling.

One morning we took
breakfast at the airport cafe'.

We enjoyed the Pima Air Museum.
This example of WWII airplane art seemed apropos
for a couple of misplaced Hoosiers.

A fun souvenir

Air Force 1, also served as Air Force 2.
Radio operator aboard was Mike, a friend from Annapolis.

Rob at Fred's Arena Steakhouse

 A visit to the top of Kitt Peak where there
are multiple observatories,
but closed to the public: Covid. 

Still thrilled to see the variety of cacti in AZ.

The last of the firewood before flying to Pennsylvania.

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