Friday, January 6, 2023

Ski Southern AZ

Skiing the southernmost lift-served skiing in the continental US.  The Mt. Lemmon peak tops out at 9,159 feet.  This highest mountain in the Coronado Mountains, north of Tucson is accessed by driving for 45 minutes via a twisty road that didn't have any snow until we drove above 7,500 feet.  The ski area has only about 800 vertical feet of skiing as the snow is only at the highest elevations.  They have no snowmaking so there was no skiing here my first winter when there was very little snow on Mt. Lemmon.  It's a small ski area, folks are friendly and excited about skiing so far south. 

Jada took these photos showing the
devastation from the wildfires a
few years ago.

In years past, these long views weren't possible
due to the thick evergreens at the 
top of Mt. Lemmon.

Lots of snow this year!

Looking south over Tucson.

On the way down the mountain we stopped to view the snowmelt washing over the waterfalls.

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