Route 66, Day 7. Drove a total of 136 miles to cover 75 miles of old Rt 66. I decided to follow the older route through Carlinville, IL then scooting across IL Rt 16 into Litchfield where I picked up the post-1930 route. Another beautiful day, if cold overnight, but typical Illinois weather for November.
My host last night, Springfield, IL |
My first stop this morning before leaving Springfield, Shea's Gas Station & Museum. Now at Fulgenzi's Pizza & Pasta. |
Shea's Filling Station, Springfield, IL |
Shea's Filling Station, Springfield, IL |
Shea's Filling Station, Springfield, IL |
Brick segment of Rt 66 between Chatham & Auburn, IL |
Downtown Virden, IL, Click for panorama |
That is a semi coming towards me! We were both running our right side tires on the gravel shoulder! |
A private tour by Herb of the "Iron Sleds" clubhouse in Nilwood, IL |
Member Riders who are off to more heavenly pursuits have their ashes honored in this alcove. |
They mounted some of their lights in old MC helmets! |
The original concrete roadbed from 1926, including turkey tracks! Girard, IL |
The original concrete roadbed from 1926, including turkey tracks! Girard, IL |
Downtown Carlinsville, IL |
From inside the gazebo, Downtown Carlinsville, IL Click for panorama |
Downtown Carlinsville, IL |
Macoupin County Courthouse getting some work done |
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